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Angry Birds Bike Revenge


About this game

Angry Birds Bike Revenge is an uphill racing game where youll drive a bicycle. The objective is to reach the bird headquarters. Description: Angry Birds Bike Revenge is an exciting Flash-based racing game that combines the beloved Angry Birds characters with fast-paced, stunt-filled bike action. In this game, players control one of the famous Angry Birds characters as they ride a bike through various obstacle courses. The goal is to complete each level as quickly as possible while performing stunts, avoiding obstacles, and collecting power-ups to boost your speed or help you navigate the challenging courses. The game takes inspiration from the Angry Birds franchise, incorporating familiar characters like Red, Chuck, and others, but in a completely new setting—riding motorbikes! The game focuses on speed, balance, and skill, as players perform flips and tricks in the air while trying to avoid crashing and completing levels with the best time and score.



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