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Minesweeper Classic


About this game

The classic Minesweeper game. Can you find all the mines?Minesweeper Classic is a web-based version of the iconic Minesweeper game, built using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. This version recreates the classic gameplay that has been a staple of casual gaming for decades. It allows players to clear a grid of cells, uncovering either numbers (which indicate how many mines are adjacent) or mines (which end the game). The challenge is to avoid the mines while using logic to uncover all the safe cells. Grid Setup: The game consists of a grid, typically 10x10, but can be customized for different difficulty levels. The number of mines on the board increases with difficulty. Cell Interaction: Left-click on a cell to reveal its contents. If its a number, it indicates how many mines are in the adjacent cells. If the player uncovers a mine, the game ends immediately. If the player uncovers a blank space (a cell with no surrounding mines), all connected blank spaces are automatically revealed. Flagging Mines: Right-click (or long press on mobile devices) to flag cells where you suspect mines are located. Flags are important for keeping track of suspected mine locations and preventing accidental clicks. Winning the Game: The player wins when all non-mine cells are revealed. When all the safe cells are uncovered, the game automatically ends with a victory. Losing the Game: If a player reveals a mine, the game ends immediately and the player loses.



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