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All Threes Domino


About this game

Play All Threes Domino game with your partner. Drag tiles on the board, try to get multiples of 3 on the ends of the domino chain to score. Overview: All Threes Domino is a classic dominoes game played with a standard 28-tile domino set, but with a unique twist: the goal is to score points by making the sum of the open ends of the domino chain a multiple of 3. This engaging variant of dominoes is easy to pick up but offers strategic depth, making it ideal for both casual players and those looking for a bit of friendly competition. The game is designed to be played with 2-4 players and is available as an HTML5 web game, accessible in any browser. Objective: The objective of All Threes Domino is to score points by placing tiles in such a way that the sum of the exposed numbers at the ends of the domino chain is a multiple of 3 (e.g., 3, 6, 9, etc.). Players score points whenever they place a domino that causes the sum of the open ends to meet this condition. Gameplay Mechanics: Tile Placement: Players take turns placing their domino tiles on the board, making sure that one half of the domino they place matches one of the open ends of the chain. Scoring: Players score points whenever the sum of the numbers on the open ends is divisible by 3 (e.g., 3, 6, or 9). Winning: The game ends when a player runs out of dominoes, or when no valid moves remain. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.



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